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Thriving Trade Between Vietnam and Germany Replicated at Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2018

Automechanika Ho Chi Minh

With Germany sitting at the top of the pile in Vietnamese automotive imports and support from the country’s Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, a dedicated German country pavilion would debut at the upcoming edition of Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City. As Vietnam’s leading regional trade fair for the automotive service industry, the fair would take place from 25th–27th April, 2018. More than 8,500 trade buyers are expected to converge at the event with around 360 worldwide exhibitors and key industry players from all corners of the automotive service sector. 

Prosperous Trade Between Vietnam and Germany Mirrored at Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2018

According to the latest information from the General Department of Vietnam Customs, Germany is currently Vietnam’s largest import market and its second largest European export market (after the Netherlands). With the total export turnover between the two countries recently reaching US$4.6 billion, the largest industries within this are related to machinery, equipment and spare-parts. More importantly, Germany is one of the major markets supplying complete automobiles and components to the region. In the first six months of 2017, the total volume of completed cars and related components stood at US$126.5 million.

In addition, 2016 saw the European Commission publish the details behind a free trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam, which was to come into play by the end of 2017. Under this agreement, cars, motorcycles and related parts exported from the EU would eventually become duty-free, in the hope of Vietnam becoming the new hotspot for Asia’s automotive manufacturing sector.

Keeping in line with the region’s strong connections to Germany, the dedicated pavilion at Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City is expected to house numerous prominent German companies and manufacturers who are looking to capitalise on this opportunity. Joining the German pavilion are various other international exhibitors; more than 360 companies would exhibit in an expected 9,200sq m of space. These come from China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the UAE, the UK, the US, Vietnam and many more.

The second edition of Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City is said to focus on the eight core product groups: Parts & Components, Electronics & Systems, Accessories & Customising, Repair & Maintenance, Dealer & Workshop Management, Car Wash, Care & Reconditioning, Alternative Drive Systems & Digital Solutions, and REIFEN, a new product group for 2018 dedicated to tyres. The upcoming fair is also extending its product portfolio to better reflect the local market, with the ‘Tyre Competence’ and ‘Motorcycle Competence’ labels allowing visitors to explore the unique needs of the Vietnamese automotive industry, by highlighting exhibitors from the well-established tyre and motorcycle sectors.

The registration for the German pavilion would soon be available here:


德国是越南最主要汽车进口国之一,在该国联邦政府经济及科技部的大力支持下,德国展团将在2018 年首次登陆越南(胡志明市)国际汽车零配件及售后服务展览会(Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City)。作为越南地区汽车服务业领军展览,2018年度Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City将于4月25至27日盛大举行,届时来自全球各地约360家汽车服务行业的参展商、业界先锋及逾8,500名专业买家将汇聚一堂,共襄盛举。



顺应日益壮大的越德两国贸易往来,Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City的德国展团将邀请到众多期盼紧抓越南市场商机的德国企业及制造商参展。联同其他来自世界各地,包括阿拉伯联合酋长国、韩国、马来西亚、美国、泰国、越南、新加坡、英国、意大利、印度、印尼、中国、中國臺灣和中國香港等国家和地区,逾360家海内外参展商,预计在9,200平方米展览场地展示各项最新技术和产品。 第二届Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City将聚焦八大核心板块:部件及元件、电子及系统、用品及改装、修理及维护、经销商及维修站管理、汽车清洗、保养及翻新、可替代能源及数位化运行方案以及2018最新的REIFEN轮胎行业板块。为配合越南市场的特性,展会更推出“产品涉及轮胎轮圈领域”(Tyre Competence)及“摩托车零配件维修工具领域”(Motorcycle Competence),相关展商将有特别标示以增加参展商对目标客户的曝光率。

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