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Automechanika Shanghai Records 15-per cent Rise in Visitor Numbers

Automechanika Shanghai Visitor

The 14th edition of Automechanika Shanghai recorded an unprecedented rise in attendees compared to the previous edition.

Automechanika Shanghai Ends on a High Note

The Tyreman was invited to visit the Automechanika Shanghai, a 4-day event organised by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co, Ltd recently. Held at the National Exhibition & Convention Centre from 28th November to 1st December 2018, the 14th edition of Automechanika Shanghai recorded an unprecedented rise in attendees compared to the previous edition. The final figure from the organiser suggested visitors to the show rose by 15 per cent since 2017, reaching 150,568 from 130,928. There was an upswing of 22-per cent increase in the number of overseas visitors.

The event also saw a rise in international participation across the board, with 43 exhibiting countries and regions. Newcomers from Luxemburg joined as returning countries, along with the Czech Republic, Lebanon and Slovenia along with the other established overseas participants.

As a first time visitor, we were truly impressed with the scale of the show. A total of 6,269 exhibitors showcased their innovations and services across the 350,000 square metres fairground, compared to last year’s 6,051 exhibitors covering 340,000 square metres.

The fairground was filled with thousands of exhibitors providing a comprehensive coverage of the entire automotive supply chain, and halls were categorised along different industry segments to focus attention on the extensive range of products, services and technologies. These segments included Parts & Components, Electronics & Systems, Repair & Maintenance, Accessories & Customising, Management and Digital Solutions, Car Wash, Care  and Reconditioning.

Also worth mentioning was that there were 19 overseas pavilions from both developing and established auto markets. These included France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA and India. The Malaysian pavilion consisted of 51 companies.

The continued commitment and efforts of the organiser to make the show not only the largest trade fair in Asia, but also a comprehensive coverage of the entire industry were reflected on the expanded theme zones and areas of the show. For example, the brand new ‘Tomorrow’s Service & Mobility’ area could shed light on the most exciting current and future developments of the industry, from digitalisation and alternative drives to autonomous driving and new mobility services. Other areas that were popular among participants were the collection of dedicated zones scattered across the halls, including the debuting Chain Stores Zone and Remanufacturing Zone as well as the returning Reifen (tyre) sector where the very latest tyres, wheels and rims, and repair products and services were displayed.

Among the various zones, the Reifen sector was of greatest interest to us. According to the organiser, this sector saw a 43-per cent increase in exhibition space. Though not all the major tyre brands were there, we were delighted to see the first-time participation of Aeolus and Pirelli as well Doublestar Tire, the only state-owned listed tyre company in the Shandong Province.

As always, the Automechanika brand trade shows would provide plenty of B2B matchmaking and networking opportunities as well as educational content covering key issues for the aftermarket. This was no exception at this year’s Automechanika Shanghai as it boasted an impressive 57 scheduled events that took place as its fringe programme.

On top of this, the ‘Connected Mobility Conference 2018’ was back for its third year running. Held on the 29th November at the Sofitel Shanghai Hongqiao, it was indeed an informative and educational conference for the participants as key speakers in the world of car connectivity shared their insights into how to build and profit from the connected digital mobility ecosystem. These included Bill Russo, Founder & CEO of Automobility Ltd, whose topic was ‘China’s auto industry in the age of disruption – reimaging mobility and profiting from the digital ecosystem’; Stanislaw Zurkiewicz, Chief Regional Officer at Dekra East and South Asia/ Executive Vice President at Dekra Group, who talked about ‘Dekra -Supercharging the future of autonomous driving’ as well as Daizong Liu, China Director at WRI Rose Center for Sustainable Cities on the ‘Future of share mobility’, just to name a few.

Automechanika Shanghai 观众人数同比增长15%

《轮胎世界》受法兰克福展览(上海)有限公司之邀前往上海参观为期4天的Automechanika Shanghai –上海国际汽车零配件、维修检测诊断设备及服务用品展览会。第14届Automechanika Shanghai于11月28日至12月1日在中国国家会展中心(上海)盛大举行并圆满落幕。该展会人气爆棚,专业观众人数高达150,568人 ,比上一届的130,928人同比增长15%。 海外观众人数也大幅增加22%。


对于首次参观的我们来说,2018年Automechanika Shanghai规模之大令人惊叹。本届展会共有6,269家参展企业,展览面积达35万平方米,相比于上一届的6,051家参展企业和34万平方米的展览面积。



从各板块与展馆规模的不断增长上,可以看到主办方将Automechanika Shanghai发展成亚洲最大,覆盖整个汽车行业生态贸易展的坚定心志和持续努力。比如首次出现于展馆的“明日出行”板块,让观众能够一窥目前和未来的行业发展,包括数字化、新能源、自动驾驶及新型移动服务等。其他受欢迎的专区包括终端服务连锁专区、 高性能改装区,以及第二年亮相的Reifen(轮胎)板块,展示最新的轮胎款型和轮辋、修理产品及服务等。

对《轮胎世界》来说,最吸引我们的当然是Reifen(轮胎)板块。据主办方表示,该板块的展览面积同比增长43%。虽然不是所有的轮胎主要品牌都参与展出,我们很开心地看到首次展出的风神轮胎和双星轮胎, 而后者是山东省轮胎行业中目前唯一一家国有上市公司。

Automechanika品牌的贸易展总会提供许多B2B互动和交流的机会,以及多场高质量的研讨会,探讨后市场的热门课题。今年的Automechanika Shanghai也一样,在现场提供了57场同期活动。

此外,还有第三届“智能网联汽车上海峰会”的再度回归。此峰会于11月29日在上海虹桥新华联索菲特大酒店盛大举行。这个由全球汽车智能网业内领军代表担任演讲嘉宾的峰会,探讨如何建立数字生态系统并从中得利。该峰会对与会者来说的确充满教育性。演讲嘉宾有Automobility 有限公司创始人兼首席执行官拉索(Bill Russo ),他的讲题为“中国汽车展也正处于颠覆时代 — 重新构想出行方式,并从数字生态系统中获利”、Dekra集团东亚及南亚区总裁兼Dekra集团执行副总裁曾牧(Stanislaw Zurkiewicz),讲题为“Dekra –推动自动驾驶未来发展”,以及世界资源研究所中国可持续城市项目主任刘岱宗,讲题为“共享交通的未来”等。

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