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Apollo Tyres’ Exclusive Manchester United Trip to UK 2018

Apollo Tyres Manchester United Trip

The Apollo‘s incentive trip that took place from 3rd to 9th December was indeed an unforgettable experience for the company’s business partners, especially those who happened to be Manchester United FC fans.

Apollo Tyres Malaysia Rewards Top Business Partner

Apollo Tyres Malaysia rewarded its 15 top business partners with an exclusive Manchester United trip to the United Kingdom last year as recognition of their outstanding performance.

The trip that took place from 3rd to 9th December was indeed an unforgettable experience for the company’s business partners, especially those who happened to be Manchester United FC fans. In addition to the one-in-a-lifetime visit to the Manchester United Old Trafford Stadium to watch a match between Manchester United and Arsenal, they got up close with the legendary Bryan Robson, the longest serving captain of Manchester United, in an exclusive Question-&-Answer session.

What made the trip even memorable was that each of the business partners was presented with a customised Manchester United jersey with his/her name and preferred number in the famous players’ dressing room. During the Manchester United Museum tour, they immersed themselves fully in the Club’s history. From its humble beginnings in 1878 to the success of United’s treble in the 1998/1999 season as well as a look at some of the legends that contributed to its amazing history. There was also an exclusive Apollo Tyres Training Ground session at the Old Trafford stadium. And of course, there was the visit to the world-renowned Megastore. Spread over 17,000 square feet, the Megastore is said to be the biggest shop devoted to football that one could ever find. From shirts to scarves, kits to keyrings, everything one could possibly want from Manchester United was there.

Apart from that, the trip included visits to several tourist spots such as the London Eye, Tower of London to see the biggest diamond in the world and Buckingham Palace. The shopping spree added credits to the trip as the sightseeing-cum-shopping experience was dearly enjoyed by everyone! The mouth-watering giant lobster at the famous Burger & Lobster was not to be forgotten too!



对特别是曼联球迷的马来西亚阿波罗商业伙伴来说,这个从12月3日至9日的奖励游,确实是个难忘的经历。除了拥有在曼联老特拉福德体育场(Old Trafford Stadium) ,现场观看曼联对垒阿森纳,为心爱球队呐喊的千载难逢机会外,还能够在独家提问及回答节目环节中,与曼联传奇人物,也是服务最长的队长布赖恩●罗布森(Bryan Robson)亲密互动。

此奖励游中最令商业伙伴们难忘的是他们在举世知名的球员更衣室里,接过马来西亚阿波罗特别为他们每一个人定制,印有他/她的姓名和最喜欢的数字的球衣。 在参观曼联博物馆时,他们完全沉浸在曼联足球俱乐部的历史中。 从1878年刚成立时的默默无闻到1998/1999赛季创出三冠王的佳绩,以及那些对该辉煌历史作出贡献的传奇球员。此外,还有老特拉福德体育场的阿波罗轮胎独家训练基地课程 。 当然,他们还有机会参观著名的超大型曼联纪念品商场。据悉,该占地17,000 平方尺的纪念品商场是全世界最大的足球纪念品商店。从T恤到丝巾、套件到钥匙圈,任何有关曼联的纪念品,都可以在那里找到。

此外,该奖励游还包括参观热门景点如伦敦眼、伦敦塔及白金汉宫等。而世界最大钻石的权杖,就藏在伦敦塔内。很显然的是疯狂购物也为该旅游增添了不少乐趣,因为每一位参与者都十分享受这个观光和购物体验。当然,不能不提是在闻名遐迩的Burger & Lobster里享用那令人垂涎三尺的大龙虾,至今想来仍然令人食指大动!

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