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Commercial Success for Scandinavian Enviro Systems

Scandinavian Enviro Systems

Scandinavian Enviro Systems has achieved some notable successes in the burgeoning pyrolysis sector.

Enviro Recieves Order for 60 Tonnes of Recovered Carbon Black

2022 has been a busy time for Scandinavian Enviro Systems, with the Swedish tyre pyrolysis company achieving some notable successes as the company strengthens its position as one of the global leaders in the burgeoning pyrolysis sector.

During the early part of the year Enviro achieved two notable commercial successes. Firstly, the company received a recovered pyrolysis oil order worth MSEK 2 from the subsidiary of a leading US oil company for use in production tests at a European oil refinery owned by the oil company. Completion of the transaction was conditional upon Enviro’s recovered oil gaining a registration in accordance with the EU chemicals regulation, REACH, which was also achieved during the second quarter of the year.

Secondly, Enviro also received an order for 60 tonnes of recovered carbon black from a major European tyre manufacturer. The carbon black will be used in production tests as a step in the manufacturer’s efforts to increase the proportion of recovered and renewable materials in its tyres. The order encompasses a total of 60 tonnes of recovered carbon black that was produced at Enviro’s plant in Åsensbruk, Sweden…….

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Scandinavian Enviro系统的商业成功

2022年对Scandinavian Enviro系统公司来说相当忙碌,这家瑞典轮胎热解公司取得了一些显着的成功。它巩固了其作为全球新兴热解领域领导者之一的地位。



该轮胎制造商此前雄心勃勃地宣布了过渡到更可持续性和更环保制造环境的目标,包括到 2030年新轮胎中包含的所有原材料有一半是由被回收或可再生的材料组成的目标。许多世界上最大的轮胎制造商,包括 Enviro的主要所有者米其林在内,已经宣布了他们提高使用回收或可再生材料的野心与目标…..


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