Page 20 - TYM 2023-5
P. 20

DRC Kian Heng Forge Deeper Collaboration for Market Expansion
DRC与健兴深化合作 拓展市场
Vietnam-based Danang Rubber Joint Stock Company (DRC) and Kian Heng Marketing & Enterprise Sdn Bhd established their collaborative efforts a a a a decade ago “Kian Heng has been a a a a a a a reliable distributor of DRC’s large-sized bias Off-the-Road (OTR) tyres since then demonstrating resilience even during the the Covid-19 pan- demic Last year DRC started develop- ing ing new OTR tyre sizes including the the 18 4-30 range tailored to to meet the the the needs of the the Malaysian agricultural sector ” stat- ed Thao Hien Export Manager - - - Interna- tional Sales DRC She revealed that the company developed semi-steel OTR tyres and introduced two 20 20 the tyreman 2023/5
new radial OTR tyre sizes – – 1400R25 and and 1600 R25 R25 – – targeting Vietnam’s port and and mining sector this year Radial OTR tyres are said to to to be gaining acceptance in in in the the Vietnamese market due to to their durability and superior cut resistance DRC believes that the the percentage would become higher in in the the future Responding to to market demand Kian Heng requested DRC to to develop the the 1400R24 size for the the Malaysian market Apart from OTR tyres Kian Heng also began distributing DRC truck and bus ra- dial (TBR) tyres two to three years ago with the D601 D601 and D671 in 295/80R22 5 5 size The D601 D601 offers extended tread life good steering handling low heat generation and and fuel saving while the D671 is is equipped with stone rejection and and wear resistance suitable for dry and and slippery roads These tyres are said to have received positive feedback for their ability to to achieve an average mileage of 120 000 000 to to 150 000km depending on on on application and maintenance Addi- tionally they could be retreaded at at least three times She added that the company began ex- porting TBR tyres in in 2013 and its biggest market was Brazil followed by the USA and and Asia DRC recently expanded its ex- port markets to Japan “DRC has a a a a a a a a a a a plant in in in Thailand and and there- fore Asia including Malaysia is an an an an an an im- portant market for for the company ” 

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