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Corida Introduces Corghi Exact Linear Plus Wheel Aligner

Corida Sdn Bhd has brought in the Corghi Exact Linear Plus, which the company claims, is a wheel aligner is both simple and effective.

Corida: Corghi Exact Linear Offers Small Investment for a Great Return

“We believe that this is the right timing for us to introduce this new equipment to the market amidst the pandemic. The aligner is priced at entry-level, but with top-of-the-range specifications, so it is a small investment for a great return. This makes it an ideal wheel aligner for everyone in the tyre servicing industry,” says Executive Director Alex Chan.

The Corghi Exact Linear Plus wheel aligner, he points out, features a new ergonomic working surface, which makes the operation easier. “The user-friendly graphics and Icon based EXACT software is simple and easy to learn and quick to select. Compatible with all Corghi wheel clamps, its new hi-resolution light target with spirit levels can be detached from the clamps. Sunlight reflection is eliminated through the front infra-red filter, while the spirit level ensures accuracy in the measurements. No additional operator or mirror is required with the Drive on assistant, so safe manoeuvring in the workshop is assured…..”

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可利达引进科吉Exact Linear Plus四轮定位仪

可利达引进了科吉 Exact Linear Plus,该公司声称这是一款既简单又高效的四轮定位仪。

执行董事Alex Chan说:“我们相信,我们在冠病大流行期间将这款全新的设备推向市场是正确的时机。这款具有顶级规格的四轮定位仪,价格相当合理,只要一笔很小的投资就可获得丰厚的回报。这使它成为每位轮胎服务业者的理想四轮定位仪。”

他指出,科吉 Exact Linear Plus四轮定位仪具有符合人体工程学的新型工作台,使操作更加轻松。 “它的操作简便,EXACT软件的图标既简单易学,又可快速选择。兼容所有的科吉车轮夹具,可以从夹具上拆下带有水平仪的新型高分辨率轻型标靶。前置红外滤光片消除了阳光的反射,水平仪则确保测量的准确性。 停车帮助(Drive on Assistant)不需要额外的操作员或后视镜,确保车间的安全操作…..。”


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