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Recircle Awards 2022: Nominations Shortlist Announced

Recircle Awards Nominations

Valebridge Media Services (VMS), the CreweUK and MadridSpain-based media services agency, has announced the Shortlist of nominees for the 2022 edition of the Recircle Awards, the industry awards event recognising sustainable innovation, production processes, management and services within the tyre retreading and recycling industries.

Nominees Revealed for Fourteen Award Categories

The shortlist, selected from a preliminary list of candidates nominated by members of the public, was chosen by a 15-strong Nominations Committee, consisting of respected tyre industry journalists, trade association directors and independent consultants from around the world.

The shortlist of nominees for the 14 award categories which are open to the public vote is as follows:

Best Tread Rubber Supplier:

– Goodyear

– Kartindo Rubber

– Pre-Q Galgo

– Marangoni

– Vipal Rubber

Best Retreading Equipment Supplier: 

– Central Marketing

– Italmatic

– Matteuzzi


– Vipal Equipment

Best Retreading Accessory and Consumables Supplier:


– Presti Rubber

– Tech

– Vipal Rubber

– VM Rubber

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