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Malaysian Tyre Market and Business Scenario in 1st Half 2021

Malaysian Tyre Market Business

The Tyreman talked to E Cars Marketing Business Development Director Eugene Choo in the effort to find out more about the market conditions in Malaysia.

Choo: Reorganise Sales Projections to Stay Afloat

It is now more than a year since the outbreak of Covid-19. While the pandemic has been handled relatively well in China, many countries are being hit by a second or third wave, with the new Delta variant prompting some countries to return to lockdown.

All countries in Southeast Asia have been badly affected, except for Singapore, which has managed to maintain low cases throughout the pandemic.  The pandemic has severely wounded the world economy with serious consequences impacting all individuals and industries, including the tyre industry. The Original Equipment (OE) tyre segment has been driven by new automotive sales, whereas the tyre replacement market is dependent on the usage patterns of consumer and replacement cycles. However, the demand in both segments is declining.

To understand more about the market conditions in Malaysia during the first half of 2021 and to gain valuable insights into future challenges and opportunities, The Tyreman talked to E Cars Marketing Sdn Bhd Business Development Director Eugene Choo.

“Compared with the last few years, the situation in our country is getting worse. The pandemic situation continued to fluctuate until 30th June, with an average of more than 5,000 new confirmed cases per day. The government has taken a series of preventive measures such as the movement control order (MCO), which allowed only essential services and sectors allowed to operate, but it didn’t seem to be at all effective. The inconsistent, trial and error policies have deepened the suffering of the business sector and the citizens of Malaysia,” he said…..

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冠病大爆发至今已经一年多了。除了中国将冠病大流行相对控制的较好外,许多国家正在遭受第二或第三波的冲击,而新的德尔塔( Delta) 变种毒株更致使一些国家恢复封锁措施。

东南亚的所有国家都受到了严重影响,只有新加坡能在整个大流行期间保持低确诊病例数字。这场大流行病严重打击了世界经济,大大影响了个人和包括轮胎行业在内的所有行业。新汽车的销售带动原始配备 (OE) 轮胎细分市场的发展,而轮胎替换市场则取决于消费者的使用模式和更换周期。然而,目前这两个领域的需求都在下跌。

为了更了解 2021年上半年马来西亚的市场状况,这一期的《轮胎世界》特别采访了E Cars 行销私人有限公司业务发展总监朱国诚,请他谈谈有关国内轮胎市场的未来挑战和商机。



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