Page 49 - TYM 2023-5
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of of a a a a a a a a radial OTR tyre must rely on the expertise of of a a a a a a a a retreader ” Lai elaborated Very slow shift to radials
In recent years the the anonymous interview noticed a a a a a a a a notable shift in in in in the the industrial sector
where original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) especially of forklifts and cranes showed a a a a a a a a a a a a preference for for radial radial radial tyres tyres When OEMs OEMs used radial radial radial OTR tyres tyres most oper- ators tended to to continue with radial radial radial replacements unless a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a suit- able able bias OTR tyre was available As a a a a a a a global OTR tyre tyre producer Yen highlighted that Guizhou Tyre’s all-steel radial industrial tyres were designed with high- high- strength high-performance bead rings contributing to higher safety safety of o the the tyre’s casings He stressed that the the company’s products offered an an an an an extended service life safety safety and and high resist- ance against wear tear and fatigue “Featuring advanced structural design and beautiful appear- ance ance Guizhou products are widely used by various industrial vehicles Its tubeless tubeless tyres could be be be be be be mounted on on tubeless tubeless rim rim without inner tubes and and might also be be be be be be fitted on on on tube-type rims These tyres minimise heat generation and and and offer reduced rolling resistance For super high-load and and heavy-duty equipment the the tyres tyres could be filled with polyurethane or or or other fillers to perform like solid tyres tyres The seamless and and and safe operation of vehicles and and and equipment depends on on on careful tyre tyre selection proper use and and and and effective management to achieve reduced premature wear and and cost Guizhou Tyre also provides dedicated technical support to to help customers select the most suitable products and offers good after-sale service ” OTR tyre tyre solutions aren’t one size fits all All interviewees stressed the the the importance of selecting the the the right tyre tyre for the the the respec- tive application Each industry has its own unique demand and and and requirement therefore comprehensive knowledge and and and and exper- tise in OTR tyre products technical skills and and experience are vital to to meet diverse customer requirements According to Lai with with more than 1 000 sizes available OTR tyres were provided with with a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a staggering array of o of of options Moreover each size offered a a a a a a a a a a a a a multitude of o of of diverse applications and and the the storage of o of of OTR tyres became extremely challenging and and complex Another challenge was in in fin in the the claims as as financial stakes could be be substan- tial The key to success in fin in this competitive environment he he he he said was was specialisation with which a a a a a a a a a a a comprehensive selection of o OTR tyres was was offered to to cater to to various applications In conclusion the the Malaysian OTR tyre sector
plays a a a a a a a a a crucial role in the the nation’s development This market's reliance on on on on cost ef- fectiveness has made high-quality tyres from established global global brands a a a a a a a a a a a a a rarity With major global global producers being conspicuous- ly ly absent the the the OTR tyre tyre market market is dominated by by the the the Chinese brands followed closely by by Indian tyres Entering the the the market market might appear straightforward but but it requires substantial invest- ment OTR tyres are not only large in in in in size size but but they also come in in in various sizes and applications which could significantly in- crease storage cost As Malaysia continues to advance OTR tyres would un- doubtedly remain at at the the the heart of of the the the nation's progress driv- en by the the the the continuous efforts and adaptability of of key players in the the market 工程(OTR)轮胎在马来西亚的重要性超越了单纯的必 要性,因为它与国家的进步和发展息息相关。行驶于 不同地形,从建筑工地、采矿业到农业和林业领域的
在这个充满活力的行业生态系统里,轮胎制造商和最终用户之间 的关键人物--轮胎贸易商有着举足轻重的地位。本文通过轮胎贸 易商所扮演的关键角色、他们面临的挑战和他们对这个不断发展 中的工程轮胎市场的影响力来探讨大马工程轮胎市场的复杂动 态。
根据《轮胎世界》与本地工程轮胎市场三个主要参与者讨论后收 集的信息显示,普利司通、米其林、固特异等全球主要生产商在 本地的这个领域明显缺席。
健兴市场企业有限公司董事经理黎志健和一位不愿透露姓名的行 业专家表示,知名轮胎品牌在马来西亚工程轮胎市场上不活跃可 能是因为价格因素。据他们指出,这些主要品牌其实过去曾尝试 通过雇用专门的销售团队来渗透市场,但所付出的努力并未获得 成功。
“购买力是市场形势背后的问题和驱动力,而令吉疲软则加剧了 这一问题。国际知名品牌与中国工程轮胎之间的价格差距巨大, 后者便宜约四倍。驾驶员缺乏正确的轮胎维护知识,恶劣的驾驶 条件等问题导致即便是优质轮胎也难逃坏损。因此,运营商认为 投资于高质量的工程轮胎没什么好处,形成中国轮胎的主导地 位,在本地的工程轮胎市场中的占有率高达90%,其次是印度轮 胎。印度工程轮胎是具有成本效益的替代品,而且质量比中国的 更好。”
匿名受访者与黎志健的看法相同,他指出除了印度工程轮胎外, 还有印尼和韩国的产品。他指出,普利司通仍然向市场供应工程 轮胎,但数量相对的少。普利司通轮胎受到那些优先考虑质量或 寻求比其他品牌更好的性能、可靠性和耐磨性业者的青睐。还有 极少量来自工程轮胎制造商Camso旗下的Solideal品牌。米其林于 2018年收购了总部位于魁北克的Camso工程轮胎和胎面胶业务。
黎志健强调,他并不是对中国工程轮胎的整体质量发布以偏概全 的言论。他澄清说,消费者对中国轮胎普遍持有的心态是经常将 中国品牌与能够负担得起联系起来,导致廉价的中国工程轮胎大 量涌入市场。
“健兴分销BKT工程轮胎已超过15年,并在市场上建立了良好的 声誉。 BKT工程轮胎具有始终如一的耐磨性和性能,而且其使用 寿命是预算轮胎替代品的两倍。”他补充说。
据悉,目前的本地市场有三个主要参与者和约十个规模较小的轮 胎贸易商。据黎志健和匿名受访者称,这些小型工程轮胎贸易商 大多数都只专注于他们所分销的品牌里的某些轮胎尺寸和应用。
匿名受访者表示,马来西亚的工程轮胎可以按应用来细分,建筑 和采矿业占了整个市场的5%。他指出,采矿业使用的最大工程轮 胎尺寸为49寸。贵州轮胎进出口有限公司代表袁锦伦表示,大马 采矿业的规模相对较小,邻国印尼的采矿轮胎尺寸比较大。
建筑行业需要依赖持续的建筑项目,主要的应用是采石场卡车。 黎志健认为,相比之下,农业领域的前景更为稳定,特别是油棕 种植园。袁锦伦也持相同观点,并补充说农业部门主要使用斜交 层工程轮胎。
黎志健说,本地银石盾轮胎制造厂的关闭导致用户转向工程轮胎 进口商购买轮胎。
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