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Passenger Vehicle Sales Up in August

Passenger Vehicle Sales

Passenger vehicle sales went up from 15,475 units in August 2021 to 59,769 units in August 2022.

MAA Expects Vehicle Sales in September Maintained at August 2022 Level

Base on the report that released by the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), total Iindustry volume (TIV) for August 2022 was 36 per cent higher than July 2022, which was at 48,922 units. MAA explained that this is due to fulfilment of bookings by car companies with many bookings being received prior to 30th June 2022.

Vehicle sales were up more than 270 per cent from 17,923 units as compared to August 2021 reaching 66,614 units in August. Year-to-date (YTD) total vehicle sales was 63 per cent higher at 447, 209 units, as compared to 274,600 units during the corresponding period for 2021.

Passenger vehicle sales went up from 15,475 units in August 2021 to 59,769 units in August 2022. We also saw an increase in the sales of commercial vehicles, from 2,448 units last year to 6,845 units.

Meanwhile, the units of cars produced in Malaysia for August increased 396 per cent from 13,961 units to 69,378 units. The year to date (YTD) volume currently sits at 439, 372 units against 258,024 which were produced in the first 9 months of 2021.

MAA expects vehicle sales in September 2022 to remain at the same level that was seen in August 2022. The Association also said the shortage of chips and components will continue to affect some brands.

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