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Sailun Group Rated as Provincial-Level Green Factory

Provincial-Level Green Factory

Shandong’s Department of Industry and IT selected a number of provincial-level green factories in 2022 to accelerate the development of green manufacturing.   

Sailun is Short-Listed in Provincial-Level Green Factory List

Sailun Group made the list of provincial-level green factories, becoming the sole tyre company in Qingdao to be selected after undergoing a number of procedures from submitting its application, getting recommendations from various cities, to passing the evaluation of experts. In recent years, Sailun Group has been implementing China’s green development plan for industrial sectors and deployment requirements for the development of green manufacturing. The company is constantly improving green manufacturing standards, accelerating smart, green and low-carbon transformation as well as developing a green manufacturing system for the life cycle of tyres.

Sailun has also received recognition for its work, including China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s green design demonstration enterprise for industrial products, top 10 outstanding cases of green technology transformation in Shandong province 2021 and Shandong smart transformation benchmark enterprise in the chemical industry, becoming a benchmark company for green and smart manufacturing in China’s tyre industry. In Shandong’s three-year action plan for accelerating the development of green manufacturing, 300 national and provincial-level green factories as well as 10 green industrial parks will be built by 2023. This will further promote green manufacturing practices and the building of a market-oriented green technology innovation system.

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