Trade Fairs

Tyrexpo Asia 2024 to Incorporate Two Business Events

TyrexpoAsia 2024 -Retreading conference
TyrexpoAsia 2024 -Retreading conference

With the Tyrexpo Asia 2024 Show due to be staged in just over a month’s time in Bangkok, Thailand.

Tyrexpo Asia 2024 Sets the Stage for Industry Advancements

Event organisers Informa Markets and Tarsus have recently announced that during the three-day event both a Tyre Retreading Conference and an International Tyre Business Forum will be staged.

The Tyre Retreading Conference will take place on the first day – 15th May and conclude on the 16th whilst The Tyre Business Forum will be staged on the 16th. The Retreading conference will be hosted by David Wilson, Publisher of Retreading Business magazine and present four international speakers, Michael Hutt – Editor of Retreading Business, David Stevens, Managing Director of the Tire Retread & Repair information Bureau (TRIB), Daniel Rojas Enos, General Manager of the Chilean Retreaders Association (ARNEC) and Guido Gambassi, President of the Federation of European Retreading Association (BIPAVER).

Michael Hutt will be discussing ‘The South-East Asia Tyre Retreading markets’ and David Stevens will speak about ‘The North American tyre retreading market’, Daniel Rojas on ‘The South American tyre retreading markets’ and Guido Gambassi on ‘The European tyre retreading markets’. There will also be a Panel Discussion on the South East Asian Retreading Market.

Whilst the International Tyre Business Forum will be hosted by John Stone, owner of Sapphire Media Services and feature five international speakers – Michael Hutt, Editor of Retreading Business, Liana Shaw, Publisher and Editor of SA Treads magazine in South Africa, Jamie Cartwright, Chief Operating Officer at Mobile Tyre Shop Group in Australia, Carlo Silvestri, Senior Technical Advisor at Nynas AB in Sweden and Mike Zhang, CEO & Managing Director at SD-International in China.

Michael Hutt will once again take up the microphone to discuss ‘Sustainability in the Tyre Industry’ whilst Liana Shaw will discuss the ‘Challenges and future opportunities for the South African tyre industry’. Plus, Jamie Cartwright will talk about ‘How Mobile Tyre Fitment Technology is changing the tyre industry in Australia’ and Carlo Silvestri will discuss the ‘Merits of Nytex Bio Oil in tyre applications’. Finally, Mike Zhang explains the ‘Future Challenges for the Chinese Tyre Industry’.

Alwin Seow, Deputy Events Director at Informa Group says, “Following the success of the Tyre Retreading Conference at Tyrexpo Asia 2023 in Singapore. We have included a business forum to share more insights for attendees coming from growing markets in Asia. Therefore introducing the International Tyre Business Forum for the very first time and we are confident that this new event will help emerging businesses to grow and expand in their markets.”

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