Page 12 - TYM 2023-5
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servation Featuring the the Hankook Sound Absorber technology the the iON iON evo evo and iON iON evo evo SUV offer a a a a a quieter ride across all speed range According to Seunghyun Kim Team Man- ager of Consumer Marketing the iON iON evo evo and iON iON evo evo SUV cater to high-per- formance EVs “Hankook Tire has exten- sive experience in in in developing tyres dedi- cated to to EVs that are already being used by leading leading global automotive brands The iON offers class-leading handling wet grip and and and mileage along with low rolling resistance safety and and comfort appreciat- ed by EV drivers Bolder durability with Ventus Prime 4 tyre Meanwhile Hankook Tire’s latest innova- tion for ICE vehicles the the Ventus Ventus Prime Prime 4 extends the the acclaimed Ventus Ventus Prime Prime tyre series by delivering a a a a a more optimised blend of performance safety comfort and durability Ventus Prime 4 along with its SUV variant is available in in in five sizes ranging from 15 to 19 inches This tyre features a a a a a a new high-quality sili- ca-enriched tread compound vulcanised at at low temperatures for twice the dura- tion compared to regular tyres This en- ables increased blending between mole- cules bringing greater tread block rigidity and leading to lower rolling resistance with less wear Boasting an an improved tread pattern and contour this new tyre offers a a a a a a a a a a ‘precise contact’ area Its dual structure o of the carcass fibre stiffener and jointless full cover reinforcement belt is is said to pro- vide enhanced resistance and tread strength absorbing external shocks ef- fectively These innovations translate to improved durability and a a a a a a a comfortable driving ex- perience The Ventus Prime 4 offers re- duced wear increased mileage solid driving performance and ‘exceptional’ braking especially on wet surfaces Oh Hyun Nam Managing Director of Hankook Tire Malaysia emphasised: “The Ventus Prime 4 offers a a a a a a a a a a remarkable 20-per cent increase in in in durability com- pared to its predecessor while achieving even better handling comfort and and rolling resistance properties ”
马来西亚韩泰轮胎近期举办了一场 消费者营销团队经理Seunghyun Kim表示,iON
产品发布会,推出其创新轮胎产 品-iON evo和Ventus Prime 4。
韩泰轮胎的iON evo专为电动汽车(EV), 包括休旅车(SUV)而设计,是该公司iON 系列的最新产品。该公司开发这些轮胎的 目的,旨在操控性、里程数、低滚动阻 力、湿地抓地力和最小噪音方面提供无与 伦比的性能。
这两种新轮胎拥有四种尺寸可供选 择。iON evo匹配18至21寸轮毂,iON evo evo SUV的尺寸则从19至22寸不等。马来西亚 韩泰轮胎计划扩大专为马来西亚市场电动 汽车量身定制的轮胎尺寸范围。
据悉,iON evo和iON evo evo SUV是专为满足电 动汽车操控和抓地性能的需求而设计的, 有效利用了电动汽车强大的初始扭矩。它 们采用高浓度的硅胶复合物和环保材料制 成,以满足电动车所需的耐磨性并促进胎 面接触地面时的均匀压力分布,延长轮胎 使用寿命,减少频繁更换轮胎的需要。
iON iON evo和iON evo evo SUV配备了EV轮廓技术, 将转弯稳定性和操控性提高了10%。其胎 体使用先进的增强芳纶混合材料,改善轮 胎的转向性能,在高速行驶时能保持优化 的接地形态。此外,还优化了花纹块刚 性,防止电动汽车高扭矩造成的打滑,并 通过加长的外侧胎肩花纹块设计,扩大接 地面。
这两款专为电动汽车特性而设计的新轮胎 可以承受比内燃机(ICE)车辆重了30%的电 池重量和快了20%的轮胎磨损速度。它们优 化的地面压力分布可降低滚动阻力,提高 驾驶质量并节省电力。iON evo和iONevo SUV采用韩泰吸音技术,可在所有速度范围 内提供更安静的乘坐体验。
evo和iON evo evo SUV能够满足高性能电动汽 车的需求。“韩泰轮胎在开发电动汽车专 用轮胎方面拥有丰富的经验,这些轮胎已 被全球领先的汽车品牌所使用。iON提供 一流的操控性、湿地抓地力和行驶里程, 以及深受电动汽车驾驶员赞赏的低滚动阻 力、安全性和舒适性。”
Ventus Prime 4是韩泰轮胎针对内燃机车 辆(ICE)推出的最新创新产品。此款新 轮胎是广受好评的Ventus Prime轮胎系列 的延伸,提供更优化的性能、安全性、舒 适性和耐磨性。Ventus Prime 4及其SUV版 轮胎,有15 至19寸五种尺寸可供选择。
该轮胎采用新型的强化硅胶复合胶料制 成,在低温下硫化,使用寿命是普通轮胎 的两倍。这增加了分子之间的混合程度, 增强了胎面花纹块的坚固度,带来更低的 滚动阻力和更少的磨损。
Ventus Prime 4轮胎通过优化的胎面花纹和 轮廓,确保精确的接地面积。其胎体纤维 加强筋和无缝全覆盖加强带的双重结构, 据说可提高胎面强度,有效吸收外部冲 击。
这些创新可提高耐磨性和驾驶舒适 性。Ventus Prime 4可减少磨损、增加行 驶里程数,带来稳定的驾驶性能和卓越的 制动力,尤其是在潮湿的路面。
马来西亚韩泰轮胎董事经理南午铉强 调:“与前代产品相比,Ventus Prime 4 的耐磨性显着提高了20%,同时实现了更 好的操控性和舒适性,并减低了滚动阻 力。”
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