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OKO Malaysia: OKO Saves Way More CO2 than Generated!

OKO Way More CO2

OKO is now sold in more than 100 countries, helping to increase tyre life and reduce tyre wastage wherever it is used.

OKO Malaysia Sealants Increase Tyre Life

OKO Malaysia, the Malaysian distributor of the UK-made OKO Puncture Free tyre sealant, says the product seals punctures almost instantaneously in bicycles, motorcycles, all the way up to tractors and heavy construction equipment!

Certified ‘carbon negative’, the company claims that the use of OKO sealants globally saves more CO2 than is generated in its entire business. OKO is now sold in more than 100 countries, helping to increase tyre life and reduce tyre wastage wherever it is used.

According to OKO Malaysia, any user of OKO tyre sealant could expect a reduction in punctures, call charges and repair costs. It believes it would probably save a few run-flats as well as help to extend tyre life. More importantly, OKO is expected to keep one’s expensive machines working…..

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英国制造的OKO防穿刺轮胎密封剂的大马经销商马来西亚OKO 表示,该产品几乎可以瞬间密封从自行车、摩托车到拖拉机和重型建筑设备上的任何穿孔的轮胎!

该公司获得“负碳”认证,并声称全球使用 OKO 密封剂节省的二氧化碳比其整个业务产生的二氧化碳还要多。 OKO目前销售于100 多个国家/地区,无论在哪里使用,都有助于延长轮胎寿命并减少废胎。





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