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Malaysian Vehicle Sales Dip 4 Per Cent in November 2023

Malaysian Vehicle Sales November 2023
Malaysian Vehicle Sales November 2023

The Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) has disclosed the vehicle sales data for November 2023, revealing a total of 71,908 vehicles delivered to buyers.

Car Sales Up 11  Per Cent in November

This marks a 4 per cent decline compared to October 2023, which was at 74,896 units, bringing the year-to-date (YTD) total to 718,748 units.

The YTD sales volume for November 2023 was 12 per cent higher than the corresponding period in 2022.

Passenger car sales were up 11 per cent to 65,246 units as compared to 58,783 units in November 2022.

On the production front, November 2023 saw a total of 67,743 units produced, bringing the YTD total to 708,376 units, representing a 12 per cent rise from the same period in 2022. Passenger car production in November 2023 was up by 4 per cent to 62,931 units from 60, 630 units over the same month in 2022.

For December 2023, MAA anticipates sales to remain consistent with November 2023 levels, buoyed by aggressive year-end promotions by companies aligning with their financial year-end on December 31, 2023.

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