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Prima First Auto:  Accounts Consolidation Made Simple with Cloud-based Webmax Workplace Solution

Webmax Workplace Solution

Prima First Auto Sdn Bhd has been using Webmax cloud-based workplace solution for about two years.

Prima First Auto Praises Webmax Account Management Solution for its Accuracy and User-Friendly

“We were using another system before we switched to Webmax. The reason for the change was due to the ease in consolidating accounts after our new branch located at Parit Buntar, Perak became fully operational,” said Director Mohammad Firdaus.

Accountant Muhammad Syauqi explained that with the company’s old accounting system, it was difficult to consolidate the accounts of the headquarters and its new branch. “Account consolidation is important not only to provide information for external use but also as a tool for internal management and decision making. It gives us a perspective on the entire business, an information that we would not be able to gain looking solely at figures from the headquarters or a single branch. With the Webmax Account Management solution, we could speed up the accounts consolidation process, which was manually done in the past and was time consuming, error prone and resulted in delays. Therefore, it is really helpful……”

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Prima First Auto:使用基于云的 Webmax工作场所解决方案


Prima First Auto 私人有限公司使用 Webmax基于云的工作场所解决方案已大约两年。

董事菲尔道瑟(Mohammad Firdaus)表示: “在切换到 Webmax 前,我们正在使用另一个系统。后来因为我们霹雳州巴力文打的新分行已全面运作,我们需要切换系统以简化帐户的合并工作。”

会计师绍奇(Muhammad Syauqi)解释说,公司的旧会计制度很难将总部和新分公司的账目合并起来。 “账户合并很重要,不仅可以为外部使用提供信息,还可以作为公司内部的管理和决策工具。它让我们看到业务的全面,这是我们无法仅仅通过总部或单一分行的数据获得的信息。借助 Webmax帐户管理解决方案,我们可以加快帐户整合过程,这在过去都是手动完成的,不单耗时而且容易出错并导致延误。因此,它真的对我们很有帮助…..。”


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