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Dr Tayar: Manage Automotive Workshop Professionally with Webmax Cloud Workshop Solution

Dr Tayar Webmax Cloud Workshop Solution

Dr Tayar has been using Webmax Cloud Workshop Solution since 2019.

Webmax System Streamlines Daily Workflow

Before that, Director Muadz Musfha, who is also the founder of the company said, they are using other cloud-based system.

“The other cloud-base solutions that we used before is not specially designed for automotive workshop, but for any businesses. We found that they do not have the features that we required, therefore not very useful. We are Lubrex dealer, and we got to know about Webmax Cloud Workshop Solution from other Lubrex dealers. As Lubrex is distributed by Prowheels, so I approached them and they gave me Webmax Technologies’ contact,” he said.

Muadz praises Webmax Technologies for their good service. “They helped us to migrate all of our data from old system to the new one. Everything was done online, and it was a smooth transfer. We do not encounter any issue with the Webmax Cloud Workshop solution from day one.  As it is a cloud-based system built specially for automotive and tyre workshop, it is able to help us to reduce manual tasks, streamline our daily workflow and operation. It offers automation and ways to integrate invoicing, issuing sales order, checking order and inventory history, customer relationship management (CRM), profit and lost viewing, finance and human resources. Therefore, it is an all-in-one business management system……”

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Dr Tayar:使用 Webmax云修车厂解决方案


Dr Tayar自2019年以来就一直在使用 Webmax云修车厂解决方案。该公司的董事兼创办人穆阿兹(Muadz Musfha)表示,在这之前,他们使用的是另一个云系统。

他说:“我们之前使用的云解决方案并不是专为汽车修车厂设计的,而是为其他类型的业务设计的。我们发现它们没有我们需要的功能,因此不是很有用。作为 Lubrex的代理商,我们从其他的 Lubrex代理商那里听说了Webmax云修车厂解决方案。我们便联系了Lubrex的经销商Prowheels,他们给了我们 Webmax科技的联系方式。”

穆阿兹对 Webmax科技的优质服务赞不绝口。“该公司帮助我们将所有数据从旧系统迁移到新系统。一切都在网上完成,整个转移过程很顺利。从第一天开始采用Webmax 云修车厂解决方案,我们就没有遇到任何问题。由于它是专为汽车和轮胎中心构建的云系统,它减少了我们的手动工作量,并简化了我们的日常工作流程和操作。它还提供自动化和将发票、发出与检查销售订单、库存历史记录、客户关系管理 (CRM)、查看损益、财务及人力资源集合起来。因此,它是一个一体化的业务管理系统…….”


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