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Vipal’s Exclusive Tread Receives 3PMSF Certification

Vipal 3PMSF Certification

Vipal Rubber is recognised for offering innovative and superior quality products to the various markets where it operates.

Vipal DV-UM3 Tread Obtains 3PMSF Certification

Consequently, obtaining a vital certification such as 3PMSF for an exclusive design consolidates its quality. This is the case of the tread DV-UM3, an exclusive design by Vipal that has just received the 3PMSF certification, which is recognised throughout the European Union that the retreaded tyre with this tread is designed for severe snow conditions. The DV-UM3 joins the other 15 Vipal designs to have 3PMSF certification.

Vipal‘s tread is said to meet the needs of countries that reach low temperatures and live with snow and icy roads. The tread, which was developed for application on trailer or drive axles, was submitted to rigorous testing to certify its safety and achieve the 3PMSF certification, and analysed in laboratories accredited by the European authorities according to the ECE R109 standard that regulates the production of retreaded tyres in the European Union. According to Leandro Guedes, Coordinator of Precure Development and Validation of Vipal Rubber Products, for the tyre/tread to be approved, it must have a 25-per cent higher performance than a standard tyre…..

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Vipal 独家胎面胶获得 3PMSF 认证


Vipal 橡胶凭借着向其经营的各个市场提供创新和优质产品而获得认可。该公司独家的胎面胶设计获得三锋山雪花( 3PMSF) 等重要认证,进一步巩固了其质量。Vipal 独家设计的 DV-UM3 胎面胶就是这种情况,它刚刚获得了3PMSF 认证,意味着整个欧盟都认可使用这款胎面的翻新轮胎适用于路况恶劣的雪地。 DV-UM3 与其他的15 款 Vipal 设计的胎面胶一起获得 3PMSF 认证。

据悉Vipal 的胎面胶可以满足气温低、路面结冰国家的需求。这款专为拖车或驱动轮开发的胎面胶经过严格测试,以证明其安全性并获得 3PMSF 认证,同时还在欧洲当局认可的实验室,按欧盟翻新轮胎生产的 ECE R109 标准法规进行分析。据 Vipal 橡胶产品预硫化开发和验证协调员格德斯 (Leandro Guedes)表示,要获得批准的轮胎/胎面胶性能表现必须比标准轮胎高 25%……


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